Friday, February 25, 2011

Valentines Day Delay

I volunteered to contribute decor for my son's 1st grade "friendship dance" which was held on Valentines Day. We were supplied with a lattice back ground which in the past had been covered with large sheets of butcher paper. Being the floral designer, I thought gosh we have this great fabric we could drape from a wedding we did for Alissa. Any why use tissue paper, when we could use fresh I did. It was fast and pretty reasonable and made a great back drop for pictures. All the parents were there for the dance, and everytime I looked up at the 22" heart, a happy family was posing in front of it. The heart hung in the front office of the school for the rest of the day, they my son presented to his teacher at the end of the day. That wonderful love of one's first grade teacher.

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