Monday, February 28, 2011

Flower Mart Tour

We had a great turn out for our Flower Mart tour this past Saturday. It was a lovely combination of people. I had a student from the Huntington who is planning to create the flowers for her son's wedding....going with Blue Hydrangea and the beachy look. She was accompanied by her husband who captured some great image, her daughter who purchased a lovely orchids from, GM Floral, and 2 more couples who are close friends and who were delighted to be there. I had budding floral designer who is absorbing floral design like a brick of floral foam. She drove back late Friday night from a 2 day intense floral workshop with Kate of FlowerWild to meet us on the roof of the Mart at 7am! Another young lady who had a Mardi Gras party that night, so pulled together some purple irises and gold roses. A perfect combo for the event. An finally a darling groom who is going to be doing the flowers for his wedding. He attended our group wedding class, and has continued to practice. He picked up some great dark pink roses, called Hot Lady and some bright green kermit mums. Everyone bought something with a plan in mind.

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