Saturday, May 29, 2010

Things are starting to stink at the Huntington

Last summer I asked my then 4 year old if he would like to see and smell a flower that was super stinky. He grinned and said, "Sure, Mom!" So we packed up the family and headed to see "Stinky". Officially known as Amorphophallus titanum (a.k.a. the Corpse Flower) can be found growing quickly at the The Huntington Botanical Garden in San Marino, California. It is projected to bloom in early June. Currently it stands at impressive 39.50 inches and had grown about 6" in one day. (Talk about a growth spurt). My boys enjoyed seeing and smelling the giant flower, and then enjoyed running around the garden afterwards. So take the kids up, take yourselves and see this amazing flower that stinks, then go check out the garden.

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