Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Flower Industry Affected by Iceland's Volcano Eruption

While airplanes have started to fly again into and out of northern European airspace today, the floral industry has been greatly affected by delays in shipments of flowers. Like most modern industry, the flower business is a global one and relies heavily on air transportation to ship its fragile cargo.

In Kenya, 20% of all exports are fresh flowers and 97% of that trade is shipped to the European Union. Experts say that the Kenyan floral growing industry has been losing up to $2 million per day since the volcano in Iceland has been preventing flights into the UK, France and other countries of Europe.

We are lucky in the United States to be coming into the spring growing season and have access to fresh cut flowers from California, Oregon, Washington and Canada. Most of our imported flowers arrive from South America and New Zealand so we should not be too affected by the current crisis.  Some flowers, like peonies, tulips and other bulb flowers that come from The Netherlands will be affected. If you are planning an upcoming event like a wedding or party and were counting on getting some imported flowers, be sure to call your supplier now. Ask where your flowers are coming from so you can be prepared to make substitutes to your floral plan if you need to so.

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