Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunflowers Galore in Maryland

Clear Meadow Farm north of Baltimore has some great curb appeal going and going and going. This was brought to my attention from our east coast member of Flower Duet, Mom. She reported that the home section of the Washington Post had an incredible photo of sunflowers. After a little searching I found an article from the Harford Business Ledger, by Mary Paramore who reported the following:

Clear Meadow Farm grows sunflowers exclusively for birdseed production, which is the closest market he’s found for the grain. Other sunflower farmers may sell their harvest for use in food products or for oil.“I got in it as a whim, as an alternative second crop to wheat. Before, we’d plant soybeans. Now, half of the second crop is sunflowers. I don’t make any more money on it, but they’re nicer to look at,” Rose said.
Click here for the full article. Image above was also pulled from the same article. Join Flower Duet at the South Bay Studio or the Huntington this Thursday or Saturday for a class with Sunflowers.

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