Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Flower Camp

Why not...it is summer and that is what kids do in the summer...go to camp. I learned to sail and dig for clams at camp in the Hamptons of Long Island. However the young ladies of Sierra Madre requested Flower Camp with Flower Duet. So that is what we did. Yes Emily there is a younger audience who have taken up flower arranging. The age range is 8-12 years old. This effervescent group of girls met me at the Los Angeles Flower Mart last Monday at 730am to pick out the flowers and containers for their designs. This group, 4 of whom had attended our classes at the Huntington this past year, accompanied by one of the Moms, fearlessly navigated rows of mums, roses, hydrangea and hypericom berry. Blurting the names which they had learned over the year. I was so proud. Once we picked out everything we needed we headed back to the venue for us to create a hand-tied bouquet and these puppy dogs. A great time had by all. Thanks Aspen, Alexis, Savannah, Samantha, Emily and Abby...and Mom Patty too!

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