Friday, March 19, 2010

San Francisco Flower & Garden Show

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the Philadelphia Flower Show and next week it's the West Coast's turn to hold a garden show. Beginning on March 24th and running through the 28th at the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show in San Mateo, Calif., you can go see great garden designs, floral displays, attend workshops, eat good food and buy all sorts of stuff for your home and garden. There are gardens and activities for children, too so it's a great outing for the family.
Casey and I attended this show a few years ago and became avid fans! We had a 3-day pass, but could only manage to attend 2 days. I would recommend going at least one day and wear a good set of shoes. Bring a large tote bag that is easy to carry, because you will buy stuff. Casey bought a Little Giant ladder (she was painting the outside of her house at the time). Of course, she had the ladder shipped!
We also attended a floral design workshop and although we did not get to do any hands-on arranging, we did learn then that Trader Joe's ships all of their cut flowers in water. Sometimes when we need a few flowers in a pinch, we will run to TJs and get flowers there because we know they are high quality.

The photos above are from the SF Flower & Garden Show's website. So if you go this year, I am sure you will see more of the same great exhibits. Seminars this year include topics like: Succulent Container Gardens, Tomato Growing in Containers, Edible Landscapes: The New American Garden, The Art of Bonsai, The Past and Future of Floral Design Trends, Yoga for Gardeners and many more.

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