Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chinese New Year Floral Design

The Lunar New Year started on February 14, 2010 and we taught a two classes at The Huntington Library to help our students celebrate.

Casey taught the adult class which featured the traditional "three friends of winter" made up of bamboo, pine and plum blossom. She added red roses - which symbolize happiness for the new year. We were delighted with the results.

Here are some more photos I took of our students' designs. They all did a great job..

Shown below was the children's class design.

We had our new year tigers hiding in the grass, accented by red hypericum berries for "happiness & luck" and a fluffy green tree to offer some shade for our tigers.
I had fun with the bear grass which we cut down to make a little lawn for the tigers to hide in.

Our next floral design classes at The Huntington are on March 20, 2010 when we'll teach students about floral design that was popular in the 1920s and 1930s. We'll be inspired by the golden age of Hollywood when Fred & Ginger and Nick & Nora were box office hits. Hope you can join us!

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